Practice of Chastity#1

The practice of chastity is a superb behaviour which means to conduct more strictly in accordance with the practices of Buddhism to prevent the growth of defilements until all defilements are vanished by passing through the processions according to the levels of the mind.

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Meditation for Peace
Practice of Chastity#1
Planes of the mind
Planes of the mind
What is practicing chastity?
The practice of chastity is a superb behaviour which means to conduct more strictly in accordance with the practices of Buddhism to prevent the growth of defilements until all defilements are vanished by passing through the processions according to the levels of the mind.
Planes of the mind
According to the Lord Buddha, the mind can be categorized into 4 planes which depend on training oneself:
1. The sensual plane of mind
Is the level of mind that is wandering because of sensual pleasure. The human mind attaches itself to the temptation of sensual pleasures. This is the plane where common human beings are.
of 2. The ‘form’ plane mind
Is the level of mind wandering in ‘form’ state. Minds are happy and content to absorptions at the form level (rupajhana). It is the plane of those who practice meditation enough to attain rupajhana. They are not interested in sensual pleasures. This state of mind is happier than the sensual plane mind.
3. The ‘formless’ plane of the mind
Is the level of mind wandering in the ‘formless’ state. Minds here are content to the formless level (arupajhana). This is the plane of those who practice meditation and attain the ‘formless level (arupajhana) which is finely happier than ‘form’ level (rupajhana).
4. The supramundane plane of mind
Is the plane of mind beyond the reach of worldly level. This is the plane of mind of Arahants with content of delicate, fine and deep happiness.
In the sensual; plane happiness and sorrow are altogether swinging up and down. Anyone in the formless plane can fall down to the sensual plane, if they are negligent and do not concentrate on the practice of meditation. Vice versa, anyone in the sensual plane can step up to the form and formless plane if they concentrate on the practice of meditation. The step can be upwards or downwards according to the amount of merit gained and dedication to the practice of meditation.
Happiness in the sensual; plane is worldly happiness with suggering, for example, living in family surrounding with children seems to be happy, but actually it is sometimes troublesome. Living in the summertime with a wish for happiness in the rainy season, and loking forward to the comfort of winter while in the rainy season, without discovering where the true happiness is.
Monks compare sensual happiness with the mirage of the sun. Looking far away in summer, the horizon is full of mirages or the road seems to be full fo water. When we go closer, we find nothing instead. The sensual plane is very similar alike. We wish for happiness, but finally it often turns to sufferings.
Therefore, in Buddhism the word “samsaracitta” means wandering mind of anypne in the sensual plane. The mind is wandering around grasping for happiness. Since sensual; happiness in an illusion, the mind is tricked. It is gsignificant to note that sensual happiness can go away when we chase it. If escapes as soon as we reach it, and we chase after it in vain.
Notice that no sensual happiness is the supreme happiness. One might become the first lieutenant with a wish for of being second lieutenant, seeking to become an army captain and pursuing for major, lieutenant colonel. Even being a colonel, people are seeking for more happiness ahead.
If we are chasing to grasp happiness for days, nights, years, and lives, and acquire a little sensual happiness together with the sufferings, the suffering will amount more than the happiness. More importantly, it is easy to make a mistake while the mind is wandering and confused. Like a man who is running forward haphazardly, he can easily tumble down.
Minds like these are characterized by chasing things and wandering carelessly; one can collapse, be in jail or fall deep down to hell.
nyone who detaches sensual pleasure gets chances in development of Dhamma practice.
nyone who detaches sensual pleasure gets chances in development of Dhamma practice.
The Objective of Chastity
The purpose of practice chastity is to eliminate the mundane level, to release all attachments and bonds in order to head forward to the supramundane level. The first thing to be done is to practice the Eightfold Path in order to detach sensual feelings, further to detach form and formless feelings, consecutively.
Sensual feelings are the most important bondage for mind development and cause defilements to increase in ordinary people. Anyone who detaches sensual pleasure gets chances in development of Dhamma practice. Therefore, practice chastity emphasizes mainly on detachment of sensuality.
Metaphors of sensual harm
1. Sensuality is like a hungry dog chewing a dry bone with no flesh and blood.
The more it chews th more the hungry dog tires and gets hungrier without satiating its appetite and the blunder will break its teeth. The illusion of love and marriage is the same. They seem to be happy but in reality, nobody feels real happiness with marriage life. They have to encounter it with displeasure, petulance that causes distress, anxiety, worry, possessiveness, jealousy everyday. In sever cases, some people commit suicide by jumping into the water or hanging themselves. Happiness in love and marriage life is as short lived as when a dog chews a dry bone.
2. Sensuality is like a piece of meat fought over by vultures
Vultures will fight over a piece of meat that is not for one’s sole possession. Love is competitive. When more than one person desires the same mate, they may kill each other and cause terrible suffering as we often notice in the news around us. Some struggle with their lives through the battle of love for marriage. After marriage, they cannot be sure that their spouse will be with them or that somebody else will grab them. The more handsome or beautiful the spouse is the more danger one has to encounter.
3. Sensuality is like carrying a torch of fire while walking into the wind
We have to throw down the torch after a while or else it burns our hand. The burning fumes smoke our face and we endure sufferings. People who fall in sensuality are alike. They endure sufferings from sensual pleasure; work hard for earning lives of their spouse and children; keep worrying about the children’s education and their behaviour; for their wives’ adulteries and dissatisfaction. They will not live together forever. One of them will eventually pass away, sometimes by accident, getting sick or getting older to death. Life on earth is so short like a grass torch that goes out shortly.
4. Sensuality is like a pool of burning fuel
People, who love their life, knowing that if they fall in the burning pool they will be seriously hurt or even, die. It can be compared to having fog in their eyes; this hidden force keeps on pulling them down to that burning pond. As monks teach, “wherever there is love, there will be suffering”, they seem to believe in that teaching. Once stepping out of the chapel and confronting other attractive men or women, they immediately forget the teachings. When they get married, their mind is full of how beautiful and attractive their brides or grooms are. They have no idea about the sufferings from sensuality and married lives.
5. Sensuality is like a dream
In your dream, everything seems to be glorious and beautiful but not for long, when you wakeup you see nothing, yuou only feel sorry for the lost dream. People in sensual pleasure are just the same, they have sweet talks in the beginning, but not for long, they get scolding instead. Some beat and hurt each other. The workloads are double or triple increasing. No happiness is in a dream, sensuality is only a dream. Therefore, we prefer to be in a dream instead of being in reality by practicing meditation.
Once our minds are in peace and serenity and we attain the inner light.
6. Sensuality is like borrowed treasure
The borrowed treasure looks elegant at a show. People admire and appreciate that treasure. However, one can possess things only for a short time without any real confidence and will eventually mourn when the real owner comes to get the treasure back. Sensuality is just the same. People are proud to have a proper, beautiful or handsome mate as they would be gold or jewellery. Soon though, the woman gets old while the mangets bald and fat. The beauty and handsomeness pass away as time passes by.
7. Sensuality is like a tree full of fruits in the forest
People passing by the fruit tree desire the fruits. They try every way to get the fruits by climbing. Using long sticks, or even cutting the tree down. When the tree falls down, people on the tree may be injured or even killed or may even break their arms or legs. Sensuality6 is just the same. People are faced with being kicked. Fighting or eve3n being seriously injured during their courtship with the beautiful people. It is like trying to pick plenty of delicious fruits from the trees in the forest.
8. Sensuality is like a steak hammer
Whoever involves themselves with sensuality is risking his or her life to fall into pieces. Sensuality bears physical and mental sufferings like chopping blocks bear sharp knives and steak hammers.
9. Sensuality is like a spear
Sensuality is sufferings that pierces through the heart and causes severe pain. Whoever involves themselves with sensuality cannot escape from pain. It is like spears that pierce through the body and cause pain.
10. Sensuality is like a viper’s head
Sensuality is dangerous and suspicious. One cannot trust or clear his or her mind of sensuality that is adventurous. It is like a viper’s head that can strike anyone to death at any time.
These are metaphors of sensual harm taught by the Lord Buddha. In reality, sensuality causes much more harm than what was described in these examples. As we learn about the enormous harm of sensuality, it is better for people, who are single and have not entered marriage, to practice meditation from now on. Once our minds are in peace and serenity and we attain the inner light. We will experience the happiness that is far deeper than sensual happiness. The thought of seeking for sensual pleasure will decline. No need for people who are in a marriage life to divorce, but it is better to stay with one wife and stop seeking for others. The Eight Precepts can be practiced on occasion.


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